
Which countries do you ship to?
We offer free worldwide shipping.
Can I track my order?
As soon as your order ships we will email you your tracking number and a link to manage your delivery preferences.
Which courier service do you use?
We ship all watch orders with DHL.
Does the delivery require a signature?
Yes, all DHL shipments will require a signature, unless you state otherwise when you manage your preferences with DHL.

Returns & Exchanges

Can I return my Deesio order?
We offer a 30-day money back guarantee from receipt of your order. You will receive a full refund on the condition that the product is unused and returned in its original packaging. Please visit our Returns page for more information.
Can I exchange my Deesio order?
Absolutely, from receipt of your order you have 30 days to exchange. You can return the item(s) to us, unworn and in the original packaging, in exchange for a different model or style. Please visit our Returns page for more information.
How do I return my order to Deesio?
Please visit our Returns page for further information on how to return items to us.


How do I take care of my Deesio watch from day to day?
Most marks and scuffs will rub off with your finger, but if you'd like to carry out a more thorough clean we would recommend using a lightly dampened microfibre cloth to wipe the case and crystal - but do not use abrasive compounds as they could scratch the case and/or crystal. For the crystal itself we would also recommend a product called Polywatch - which can also be applied using the microfibre cloth.
How do I care for my Deesio watch strap?
Our leather straps are much like any other leather item you own, and benefit from a gentle polishing from time to time - we also don't recommend submerging our leather straps on a frequent basis as that may reduce the durability. For our steel straps, a simple polish with a microfibre cloth is recommended.
Are Deesio watches water resistant?
Yes, all our watches are water resistant. Each model details the level of resistance in the specification. As a guide, we recommend following these rules:
3ATM - water resistant but we don't recommend swimming
5ATM - water resistant but we don't recommend swimming
10ATM - waterproof and suitable for showering and swimming

Servicing & Repairs

How do I have my Deesio watch repaired or serviced?
We have our own workshop where we carry out all in-house repairs and servicing - please find more information on our Repairs page.
How often do I need to service my Deesio watch?
As Deesio watches use mechanical hand-wound movements, they do require servicing but not as regularly as you might think. We recommend having a professional take a look every 3-5 years just to ensure your Marloe timepiece runs smoothly and lasts a lifetime.
What does a service usually entail?
A standard watch service usually includes a complete disassembly of case and movement, placing the parts in special solutions to dissolve oil residue, dirt and dust. The movement is then reassembled with new oils and lubricants applied. In most cases, the seals will also be replaced - this will ensure your watch retains its water-resistant specifications.